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Stay in the Loop

Shotokan West Coast Championship – 2/10/19

February 22,2019

Our Elite Team performed very well last Sunday in the karate tournament held in Yuba City. The team brought home many gold, silver and bronze medals.
As you can see from the photos we had a great punch of kids having fun.  The Elite Team kids trained extra hard to compete and they will be ready for the dojo tournament scheduled for February 24th.  We encourage all our karate kids sign up for the dojo tournament.

Karate Black Belt

2019 Shugyo Class

January 22, 2019

There were more than 60 black, brown and red belts participating in our 2019 Annual Shugyo Class. It was a great class with everyone putting in 100% effort in the extra hard drills and basics. We finished the night with a fun game of sumo wrestling.
Our senior black belts had lots of fun watching the younger people working extra hard. We kicked of the new year a lot of sweat effort. Thanks for being there.

All American Black Belt Academy Instructor Spotlight

February 4, 2025

This is your news article. It’s a great place to update visitors with the latest press and announcements about All American Black Belt Academy. Choose an eye-catching photo or video to feature for extra engagement!

Karate Black Belt

2019 Dojo Tournament

Jan 1,2019

AABBA Karate Tournament

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Door Opens at 11:30AM


Shannon Community Center – 11600 Shannon Ave., Dublin


It is very important that all our senior members, brown and black belts participate in the competition and help with the score keeping, judging and ring helpers.

Remember that this important dojo event is a requirement for promotion this year.

Drop in for a free, introductory class

21001 San Ramon Valley Blvd, A7, San Ramon CA 94583 

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The Academy also offers programs through the San Ramon and Pleasant Hill Community Center. Instruction is offered by Sensei Johanna Abello, 3rd degree black belt  and William Fuentes, 5th degree black belt. 

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