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23rd Annual Ryukyukan International Karate and Kobudo Tournament

Our elite team competed at the 23rd Annual Ryukyukan International Karate and Kobudo Tournament in Dixon, CA. We had 44 athletes compete and we came home with a total of 63 medals! We brought home 29 gold medals, 19 silver medals, and 15 bronze medals. Great job everyone! Thank you to Sensei Terry, Sensei Will, Sensei Johanna, and Sempai Adrianna for refereeing at the event.




2024 NCKF Karate Championships

Our competition team did a great job at the NCKF Karate Championships this weekend! We brought home 20 gold medals, 10 silver medals, and 12 bronze medals. Shout out to Aritro, Demi, and Ethan for bringing home DOUBLE golds!! Way to go team! Keep up the hard work!




2024 West Coast Championship

Our elite team brought home 18 gold, 7 silver, and 13 bronze medals from this weekend's tournament in Yuba City! Shoutout to Ryan and Yash for bringing home double golds in kata and kumite! Thank you to Sensei Eric, Sensei Will, Sempai Adrianna, Sempai Johanna, and Sempai Kyle for volunteering your time as referees. We appreciate your hard work and dedication! On to the next!




2023 USA Karate National Championships

Over the past week, a few of our elite team competitors traveled to Richmond, Virginia for the 2023 USA Karate National Championships. We came home with 5 gold, 1 silver, and 1 bronze medal! These students put in many hours of hard work and it paid off. 

Congratulations to all our competitors! 




2023 West Coast Championships

Over the weekend, our competition team participated in the West Coast Championships in Yuba City and did a fantastic job! Our team came home with 18 Gold, 12 Silver, and 9 Bronze medals. Way to go team!

Sempai Adrianna, Sempai Harshitha, and Sempai Kyle worked as junior judges in addition to competing! Sensei Eric, Sensei Terry, and Sensei Johanna volunteered as referees. Thank you to all of our judges and referees for your commitment and dedication!




2022 USA National Championships

Some of our elite team members traveled to Spokane, Washington for the USA National Karate Championships last week! 


We had a very successful tournament with 4 of our students returning as national champions!! 

Adrianna Villesis (Advanced) - Gold

Kyle Louie (Advanced) - Gold

Ludwik Olano (Intermediate) - Silver, Bronze

Aleiana Ilas (Intermediate) - Gold

Janika Caranto (Novice) - Silver

Jada Caranto (Beginner) - Gold


Way to go team! We are so proud of all of you. Many of these students put in extra hours of training outside of regular class and that definitely paid off. 


We know that our students will return with more motivation to train harder than ever before.




2022 NCKF Championship

Great news today about our karate athletes that competed in the Northern California Qualifier for the National Championship.   We had lots of young beginner children having fun at the championship.  The kids brought home 11 gold medals, 3 silver, and 7 bronze medals!

We are so proud and happy for them.

Great job to all of our competitors and keep up the good work!

We want to thank all the parents for their support and we appreciate them for bringing their children to competition.




Train with Sandra Sanchez - Olympic Gold Medalist

On Saturday, a few of our students has the extraordinary opportunity to train with Olympic gold medalist, Sandra Sánchez  Our students came back with more knowledge and the motivation to train even harder than ever!




November 2021 - Black Belt Promotion

Congratulations to our new black belts who promoted this past weekend.  


As many of you know, a new fitness test was implemented and we are proud to report that everyone was able to pass this portion.  


Everyone who tested brought great effort and energy, and we hope to see continued improvement and progress from them all.






2021 National Championships

Great news!! Our team did an excellent job at the Chicago National Championships and came home with 3 gold medals and 1 bronze medal. All of their hard work has paid off and they are now back to training for the next competition season!




West Coast Championship

Our 38 member team performed well and won many medals.  We are very proud for their efforts in practice and competition.  Special thanks to all the parents that supported our dojo and effort to prepare our kids for the championship. 




Fall Classic Championships

Congratulations to our 45 member team for a great performance at last weekends tournament in Yuba City.  Thank you to our black belts helping the young kids with staging.

Thank you parents for all the support.



7/11/19 - 7/14/19

2019 National Championships 

We have exciting news from Chicago, the site of the USA National Karate Championships.


Adrianna Villesis  (12 yrs) - Advanced Kata  - Gold


Shoei Nakayama (14 yrs) - Intermediate Kata/Gold


Laird Fowle (13 yrs)  - Advanced Kata/Silver


Violet Waite (12 yrs) - Intermediate Kata/Silver, Kumite/Bronze 


Amato Nakayama (11 yrs) - Intermediate Kata/Silver, Bronze/Kumite


Harshitha Karippara (12 yrs) - Intermediate Kata/Bronze and Kumite/Bronze


Adrian Law (12 yrs) - Intermediate Kata/Silver


Congratulations everyone for a job well done.



4/19/19 - 4/21/19

2019 USA OPEN & Jr. International Cup

This past weekend our 16 Elite Team members competed in two tournaments at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas.  It was a lot of fun for all as well as our individual competitors performed with great skill and determination.  We are all very proud of our team and thank you parents for their support.




2024 Fall Classic

Our competition team competed in its first official tournament of the season at the 2024 Fall Classic in Yuba City. We brought a total of 32 competitors from our dojo and brought home 19 gold, 13 silver, and 9 bronze medals! Special shout out to Audrey and Yash for winning double golds! Thank you to Sensei Eric, Sensei Terry, Sensei Will, and Sensei Jojo for refereeing at the event! Great job team! We are excited for the season to come!




2024 Dojo Tournament

Today, we held our annual dojo tournament. We are proud of all of our students for performing their best and showcasing their hard work and talent to all of their friends and family members. Thank you to all of the volunteers for dedicating their time and efforts to make this event such a success!




2024 Shugyo Class

Today, we had our Shugyo class- the hardest class of the year to start off our 2024! Thank you to all of the students who participated and gave it their all! We are looking forward to another great year full of growth and learning!




2023 JIC/ US Open

Today, our top elite team athletes attended the Junior International Cup and US Open tournaments in Las Vegas! Our team brought home 14 gold, 6 silver, and 12 bronze medals! Special congratulations to Sempai Kyle and Sempai Adrianna for placing first and third, respectively in the ELITE KATA division! Thank You Sensei Terry for dedicating your time to referee for this long event. This was one of our most successful trips to Las Vegas ever! Great job team!!




2023 Shugyo

Today, we had our annual Shugyo class to ring in the New Year! Thank you to all of the advanced students who showed up with their high energy and gave the class their all!! We can’t wait to see how all the student grow and improve throughout the year!

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May 2022 Black Belt Promotion

Congratulations and great job to all the black belts that promoted on Saturday!
I am very pleased to see that students are improving thanks to their hard work and dedication to our martial art.

For the past several months, I’ve been pushing the students to work harder and to take responsibility for their martial arts education. It seems that this is paying off as demonstrated at Saturday’s promotion. It is my wish that all of our Karate-ka will endeavor to attain the highest standard in the future as well as continuously striving for physical, mental and spiritual health.

Constant, never ending improvement!!!




2022 Dojo Tournament - Fundraising Event

Saturday’s AABBA Fundraising karate tournament was a great success with many kids and their families in attendance. We want to thank everyone for supporting our dojo and all of the athletes who will be competing in the upcoming national level tournaments in Las Vegas and Spokane Washington.  We enjoyed watching all of the young Karate-ka putting in their best effort in this annual event.  We are sure that they have learned much by participating in this dojo tournament and will continue to grow as they embark on their Martial Arts journey.  It is our mission to help guide these kids grow up healthy and strong in our Tri-Valley community.

Special THANK YOU to all staff and officials for making this great success.




2022 Shugyo

Thursday night we had our annual Shugyo class to ring in the new year. We are very proud of all of our brown and black belts who showed up and put out their best effort during this exercise-intensive class!

Great job everyone and happy training! We hope this Shugyo class helped you start the year off on the right foot.




Ryukyukan Championships - 11/6/21

Our competition team attended a tournament in Dixon this weekend and did a great job!


Our team brought home 7 Gold, 3 Silver, and 5 Bronze medals.


Congratulations to all of the competitors who participated in the tournament! 


All your hard work and dedication paid off. Way to go team!!






2021 Black Belt Promotion

We'd like to congratulate all of our new black belts for doing a great job on continuing their training during the lockdown.




2020 Shugyo

Tonight we held our annual Shugyo Class to officially start the new year with a Kiai.

The training was more difficult however everyone did a great job enduring the extra hard drills.

I am very proud of our students and look forward to having a very successful  2020.




International Karate Championship

A father son combination on tournament trophies for first place.  SoCal karate competition this Sunday was a great day for John and Kyle Crose.


Congratulations to awesome competitors!



5/4/19 - 5/5/19

Okaigan & AJKL Tournament

Our Elite team had a great two days.  Congratulation to all 30 plus kids trying to do their best.  We admire our kids and their individual efforts.

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National Qualifier

Our Elite Team performed great skill at the qualifying karate tournament to earn the right to compete at the USA National Championship this summer in Chicago.  Congratulations to all competitors and family members.




Fiestas 51st Annual International Karate Championship

Part of our competition team traveled down to the Los Angeles area for Fiestas 51st Annual International Karate Championship. There was a lot of tough competition, but we were able to bring home 8 first place trophies and 1 second place trophy! Special shout out to Dylan who won 2 first place trophies! Thank you to Audrey for helping coach the kids. Way to go team!




2024 AAU Pacific Southwest District Championship

12 of our elite team students traveled to San Diego for the 2024 AAU Pacific Southwest District Championship. We brought home 7 gold medals, 3 silver medals, and 7 bronze medals. Shout out to Dylan for bringing home DOUBLE golds and Demi for bringing home TRIPLE golds!!! Great job team!




2023 Fiestas Invitational Karate Champtionship

Today, some of our elite team members traveled to LA for the 2023 Fiestas Invitational Karate Championship! Our team brought home 5 2nd place trophies and 3 3rd place trophies! One of our students also won a 6 foot trophy for taking home 1st place in his kata division! Great job and congratulations team! 




2023 Dojo tournament

Today, we held our annual dojo tournament! All of our students had the opportunity to demonstrate their skill and precision in front of the judges. We also had many students who were able to show their teamwork and cooperation by competing in team kata! We are proud of all of our students and hope that this gives them the motivation to train even harder for next year! Congratulation to all of our students and competitors!




2022 Fall Classic Tournament

Our Elite Team competed in the Yuba City Fall Classic Tournament today. We walked away with 15 Gold, 11 Silver, and 10 Bronze medals! Congratulations to our team! All your time and hard work paid off. 


Also, Sempai Adrianna and Sempai Kyle worked as junior judges. They did an excellent job! We look forward to seeing them learn and grow.  Sensei Eric and Sensei Terry also worked as referees during the event. Thank you for all your dedication and hard work!


We are excited to see our competitors grow throughout the competition season!


Go Team!




2022 USOPEN and Junior International Cup

We have great news from Las Vegas. 

We are so proud of our team's accomplishments and the strong performance due in part to their personal determination and hard work in the dojo.

Congratulations to Terry Yuen for earning his competition judge license. He also judged at the tournament.

Thank you to our Coach Johanna for helping these athletes at the tournament.  She was helping these athletes from 7:30am to 7pm.  

Thank you Sensei Laura and all the parents for all your support and dedication. 


Junior International Cup:

Adrianna Villesis - Gold

Kyle Louie - Bronze

Liam Rice - Gold

Felix Myint - Gold



Adrianna Villesis - Bronze (Elite Division)

Harshitha Karippara - Sliver

Liam Rice - Bronze

Felix Myint - Silver




2022 West Coast Championships

Our elite team attended their first tournament of 2022 today!

2022 West Coast Championships in Yuba City

We had a very successful tournament and we are so proud of all of our competitors! The team brought home 7 gold, 8 silver, and 5 bronze medals. We especially want to congratulate our 5 beginner competitors who competed at their first tournament ever!! Great job team!




2021 USA Open and Junior International Cup

Two of our elite team students attended the Junior International Cup and USA Open tournaments in Las Vegas.

Kyle won silver at JIC and gold at US Open and Adrianna won gold at both JIC and US Open!  We are so proud of both of our students as they saw all of their hard work paid off.




Fall Classic Championships - 10/3/21

We had a great turn out at the Yuba City tournament on Sunday.  It was the first tournament since the pandemic hit, yet all these kids continued to work hard and their work paid off (5 Gold and 3 Sliver medals).

We are proud of all our 9 karate athletes that participated and gave it their best effort.  This is what is great about our martial arts.




DOJO Tournament -
Fund Raising Event

AABBA dojo held its annual dojo karate championship in Dublin. We had over 170 athletes competing in kata and kumite. This event is our fund raising event to help our karate athletes participate in the US Open Championship in Las Vegas and USA National Championship in Spokan. Congratulations to all our members and families.




Brown & Black Belt Promotion

Saturday was another great day in the history of our dojo.  We had brown and black belt examination and promotion.  We are very proud of the effort and high energy shown during the several hours of testing.

Congratulations to the new belt holders and we look forward to everyone's continued success.




Upcoming Tournaments

10/6/2019  Fall Classic -

Yuba City


11/2/2019  Ramtown Tournament

- Dixon


2/9/20  West Coast Championships - Yuba City 


2/23/20  AABBA Dojo Tournament - Dublin


3/29/20  NCKF Qualifier -

Yuba City


4/10/20 - 4/12/20  USOPEN &

Jr. International Cup - Las Vegas


4/26/20  Okaigan Tournament - Sunnyvale


6/13/20  IKF Championships - 



July 2020  National Championships






2019 Dojo Tournament

Yesterday's dojo tournament was a success and fun for all of us, kids, family members, ring helpers and the officials.  It would not have been possible to have such a great event without everyone's support and good spirit.

Drop in for a free, introductory class

21001 San Ramon Valley Blvd, A7, San Ramon CA 94583 

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The Academy also offers programs through the San Ramon and Pleasant Hill Community Center. Instruction is offered by Sensei Johanna Abello, 3rd degree black belt  and William Fuentes, 5th degree black belt. 

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